Professor Charles Porterfield

and Fear Not! 

Be Just, 


Hoodoo Bible Magic from:

Lucky Mojo Curio Co.


Hoodoo Bible Magic: Sacred Secrets of Scriptural Sorcery
Prof. Porterfield & Miss Michaele

On May 5th of 2014, it was my great pleasure to see the book Hoodoo Bible Magic: Sacred Secrets of Scriptural Sorcery published by the Missionary Independent Spiritual Church. I wrote Hoodoo Bible Magic along with the well-known conjure worker, proprietor of Hoodoo Foundry, and pastor of the Caroline Dye Memorial Chapel, Miss Michaele. Hoodoo Bible Magic is a detailed treatise not only on Bibliomancy but also on the use and history of the Holy Scriptures and the Psalms in hoodoo and conjure.


It has been said that we are created in God's own image. There are those who know and understand this to mean that IN EACH OF US IS A SPARK OF THE DIVINE -- a spark which can aid us to attain wisdom, riches, love, joy, health, and success through the power of God's Holy Word.


Practical, honest, and straightforward, this book teaches the history and unlocks the mystery of Christian Conjuration with the Holy Scriptures. Learn ancient traditional spells of Psalmic Magic from forgotten books of Jewish wisdom preserved by African American elders, open the Bible's treasure-house of Secret Charms and Sacred Amulets, and prepare yourself for revelations and wonders. The Bible is a magic book! THIS book tells you just how to use it!

Questions the Whole World Has Asked Are Now Answered!


Dedication and Acknowledgments 4 
In the Beginning 5 
      The Bible Comes to Hoodoo 5 
      Is Magic Incompatible with the Bible? 6 
      Heroes of the Bible Work Magical Spells 7 
            Jacob, Joseph, Joshua, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, Elijah, and Solomon 7 
            Jesus the Master of Magic 14 
      Doctors, Conjurers, Faithful Disciples 15
            Sketches of Christian Rootworkers 15 
            The Conjure Doctor as Church Leader 16 
            Spiritual Church Mediums 18 
Forget Not All His Benefits 21 
      The Bible Itself is a Magical Book 21 
            Burning, Boiling, and Bathing 22 
            The Bible Stops a Bullet 24 
            Bible Amulets and Charms: Mizpahs, Midget Bibles, and Mezuzot 26 
      Scriptural Magic 29 
            Selected Scriptures for Magical Use 30 
            7 Bible Verses that Show God is Listening 31 
            Pleading the Blood of Jesus 32 
      Psalmic Magic 33 
            The Book of Psalms in Folk Magic 36 
            A Quick List of the 150 Psalms and Their Uses 38 
            You Can Do Anything with Psalms 23 42 
            The "Chicago Psalms" 44 
            7 Deadly Bible Psalms to Quell Your Foes 46 
            8 Powerful Psalms to Reverse and Send Back Evil 47 
      Divinatory Magic 48 
            Bibliomantic Cleidomancy 48 
            Biblical Bibliomancy 49 
            Dream Books and the Bible 50
      Devotionary Magic 51 
            A Practical Guide to Prayer: How Shall We Pray? 51 
            Preaching as Prayer 52 
            A Curse in a Baptist Sermon: Hitler and Hell 54 
Bible Spells Old and New 58 
      Steady Work, Money, Success, Gambling 58 
      Recovering People and Goods 62 
      Love, Family, Reconciliation 63 
      Helping, Blessing, and Healing 67 
      Harming and Cursing 72 
      Protection and Jinx-Breaking 74 
At the End 80 
      Frequently Asked Questions 80 
      One Last Curiosity: The Soldier's Bible 94 
Bibliography 96 


Bullet-Proof Bible from the Protecto Bible Co. 15 
First Seal of Moses from the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses 28 
7th Pentacle of Jupiter from The Key of Solomon 31 
Religious Goods Sold in Hoodoo Catalogues, 1934 - 2014 47

First Edition 2014 

Published by 
Missionary Independent Spiritual Church 
6632 Covey Road 
Forestville, California 95436